Command Line Script

Command line interface to work with pyaiml21 - AIML 2.1 compatible interpreter. The running program represents a single chatbot that can chat with multiple users (see options).

The structure of the bot, or the file extensions are as follows:

  • to load the bot, pass in the bot directory with all files

  • .aiml files should be stored in /aiml/.aiml, or /.aiml

  • .aimlif in /aimlif/.aimlif or /aimlif/.csv or /*.aimlif

  • maps in /maps/* or /*.map

  • sets in /sets/* or /*.set

  • properties in /properties.* or in /config/propert*

  • substitutions in /.substitution or /substitutions/* or config/.substitution

The order of loading the files is the same as above.

usage: aiml [-h] [-i | -d | --validate] [--bot [folder]] [--aiml [file ...]]
            [--aimlif [file ...]] [--substitutions [file ...]]
            [--properties [file ...]] [--maps [file ...]] [--sets [file ...]]
            [-v] [--multiuser]

Named Arguments

-i, --interactive

(load files and) start interactive session

Default: True

-d, --debug

(load files and) start debugging session

Default: False


just validate the files and return

Default: False


load bot from folder


paths to .aiml files


paths to .aimlif files


paths to substitutions to load, the concrete type will be decided based on the file name


paths to bot properties


paths to AIML maps, map name will be decided based on the file name (name.txt,


paths to AIML sets, set name will be decided based on the file name (name.txt, name.set)

-v, --verbose

enable debugging info

Default: False


applicable only for interactive mode, when set each input contains as a first word the user id

Default: False